Volunteers needed for our spring season! We need your help for filling beds, checking in on our senior friends, repairing and mending garden beds, hand tilling small garden spaces, weeding, weekly check-ins at retirement communities, and many more opportunities! Please connect with us to find out more!
We just finished planting the summer gardens at Parkhaven Retirement Community this morning... windy, but warm. We put in tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash, pumpkin, and cucumbers. It just wasn't the same without all of the residents gardening alongside of us; we miss you!!! I know many were stopping by and checking in and many were looking out their windows - I hope we were able to provide you with a little bit of entertainment. Now everyone can go out water, weed, and soon... pick and eat at your leisure! Thank you for letting us be a part of your gardening season.Sage Gardeners is celebrating 10 years of gardening with seniors! Seniors need your help this year more than ever - more isolation is just what they didn't need. Let's get their hands in the dirt and keep the gardens growing! Give Big this Thursday and Friday! https://www.givebiggv.org/
We are still here for you! For the safety and health of our senior friends living in area assisted living facilities and senior living residences we cannot come inside and offer presentations nor garden alongside of you :-( BUT, we will continue to reach out and connect with all of our community gardening friends in assisted living facilities, senior centers, senior living apartments, and private residences and inquire about your gardening needs. These changes will include closing our resource center/greenhouse to outside guests, however it will continue to serve you in other ways! If you haven't heard from us already, please feel free to contact us as we are excited for a fresh, sunny, and warm gardening season with you. We ARE continuing to provide you will all the gardening essentials, supplies, and maintenance. We have lots of volunteers to help you through this spring and summer season. Stay tuned to both our website and our facebook page for up-to-date information. Thank you... stay well and take care of yourself.
Sage Gardeners has exciting news to share with you: 2020 marks a milestone of a year! We are celebrating 10 years of doing what we love, doing what you love: gardening with our community senior friends! This year, we are reconnecting with all of our past garden friends (and more if you know someone) to find out if you need any support. We will be spending all of our time “out in the field”. We want you to know we are here for you… whether it be connecting you to a weekly gardening volunteer or just dropping off some seeds or a bag of soil. We are here to help you with any of your gardening needs or questions! Please touch base with us - the sooner the better!
Volunteer Opportunities with Sage Gardeners:
We have several immediate volunteer opportunities available in Bozeman, Manhattan, and Belgrade: -A couple senior communities need weekly check-ins that include thinning, weeding, and watering throughout the summer. -Also, !!!! this weekend !!!! We need help moving a large redwood garden bed out to Belgrade in the city park... our old truck can’t take the weight, so if you and a couple volunteers can help move it and/or have either a large trailer or truck, we would love your help. -In the next 2 weeks we have opportunities for filling new garden beds, getting established gardens in senior communities/ add't private residences cleaned up, and planting at retirement homes and senior communities. If any of these sound interesting or fun to you please email or call us.
Contact Johni at this email for more information or to confirm: grow AT sagegardeners.org or call/text 406-599-7969. Master Gardener Volunteer hours apply. Seeds are here and we are chomping at the bit to get our hands dirty! You can pick them up at our resource center (please call us for times and location) near campus or we can mail the out to you. Tomato, pepper, and herb plants will be available end of May!
We will be filling new raised garden beds for the residents at Highgate Senior Living tomorrow (May 12) and we could really use your help! This includes shoveling soil, lifting wheelbarrows, and shoveling some more.... not glamorous work, but worthy and rewarding! Please contact Johni for more information on time and location. Thanks so very much!
Each year our work thrives because of community members like you interested in our work. Whether you pass along information about our projects, volunteer during one of many dig and fill days, or you donate to our senior gardening program, we are grateful for your support. Our work happens because of you and we thank you.
But.... the work continues.... so please consider spreading the word, volunteering, or donating this spring. We need you! ![]() #GiveBig initiative is a 24-hour, online and live celebration of giving created to connect people who care to causes that matter to build a better community. The goal is simple - inspire our people to come together, show pride in our communities, and contribute to support the life-changing work of local nonprofit organizations! Please consider donating to Sage Gardeners on this day through Give Big. And besides... in just one week the days will start to get longer and there will be more sunshine!!!! Ahhh, the power of positive thinking.
JonquilJohni founded Sage Gardeners in 2010. She "primarily" focuses her talents and energy as the executive director, program director, communications, fundraising, and development director, and most importantly, volunteer coordinator. She holds both an undergraduate and graduate degree from the University of Denver in environmental science and environmental policy. She holds a level two Master Gardener certificate (working on the third), continual student in horticultural therapy and nutrition, and always a warm weather seeker. Archives
May 2022